OXY33 Scheduliser – Value proposition

Scheduliser helps you manage your PT clients in an easy-to-use platform with unlimited client capacity, auto appointment reminders, and cancellation notices, and in-built business insights to help you increase your return, grow your business and save valuable time and money.

Add unlimited clients

Are you still paying an additional cost to add unlimited clients?

Scheduliser’s monthly subscription lets you add unlimited clients at no extra cost, so you can build your business without having to increase your subscription.

Send SMS reminders at no extra cost

Are ‘no shows’ impacting your business?

SMS text messages have proven to be the most effective method to decrease cancellations and Scheduliser provides your clients with reminder SMS / Email notifications at no extra cost.

Easy-to-use dashboards

Are you reaching your business goals?

Scheduliser displays your weekly and monthly business insights in a single dashboard. Track your cash flow, invoice totals, outstanding monies, cancelled appointments, profitable clients, and much more.

Save valuable time and money

Are you wasting time you would prefer to spend on building your business?

Scheduliser acts as your virtual Personal Assistant by managing monotonous and time-consuming administration responsibilities. Get organised, grow your business, and save valuable time and money.

Improve the health of your bottom line

Are you worried about your cash flow?

Scheduliser helps you to track the health of your business through a dashboard that provides clear insights into your cash flow, one of the most critical components of a successful small business.

Maximise available training time

Are you struggling to keep track of your available hours?

Scheduliser allows you to set your schedule based on your available hours and will only set appointments during those hours, providing you access to your availability immediately.

We are there for you 24/7

Are you worried about getting support on time?

Scheduliser provides unlimited 24/7 chat support to answer any questions you may have and deliver quality customer service in a secure environment.

Secure data with protection

Are you or your clients concerned about privacy?

Scheduliser provides the best possible data privacy and protection so your clients can feel confident that their data is safe with you.

For more information on managing clients or growing your personal training business see the Scheduliser app.

Scheduliser helps you manage your PT clients in an easy-to-use platform with unlimited client capacity, auto appointment reminders, and cancelation notices, and in-built business insights to help you increase your return, grow your business and save valuable time and money.

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